
Icons influence us. Their perspectives provide vision. Create impact. They can even alter the course of our lives. Introducing PowerTalk: An innovative forum that engages cultural icons as agents of change. This groundbreaking educational technology platform marshals the experiences and expertise of high-profile leaders in business, culture, and thought — and brings them to life through live and online speaking engagements. The result: A diverse, dynamic series of dialogues with the power to enlighten, motivate, and challenge young audiences. Because PowerTalk is more than inspiring … It’s inspiring greatness.


Arthur was inspired to create PowerTalk after attending a speech by a famed television actor at a leadership seminar for young men. His father, a Vietnam veteran, had recently passed away as the result of PTSD, so his mother wisely sought out positive male role models for 13-year-old Arthur and his younger brother. Years later, as a senior in college, Arthur reflected on that pivotal moment and wrote the hypothesis for what would one day become PowerTalk. 

Later, while working at FedEx Office in the first cohort of the global leadership development program, Arthur received a life-changing phone call: A friend whose career had begun to take off needed some help managing his career. That moment would mark the foundation of Arthur’s talent management company and serve as the catalyst for PowerTalk — the perfect medium for helping creatives in their careers.



Arthur G. Smith | Founder & CEO

Andrew Harrison | Co-Founder & CTO

  • Hothouse - V.P. of Technology

  • A3C Festival - Co-Founder

  • Built 2018 FIFA World Cup Interactive Platform

Jonathan Peterson | Co-Founder & CMO

  • ThinknCreate, LLC - Founder

  • 10yrs Brand Development & Marketing Experience

  • Rum Day DC - Co-Founder and Head of Consumer Engagement Strategies


